Knowingly or unknowingly, you always look up to the powerful and successful people around you. You try to follow them and their ideology of life. However, one of the New York Times's best-selling books, The 48 Laws of Power PDF, will make you learn all the tricks, tips, and techniques to be powerful and successful in life on your terms and ideology.

The author's intention in writing this book is to highlight the power, manipulation, strategies, and many other aspects used to achieve power in 3000 years of history. This book will help you control your emotion, hide your real intention, reveal your passion, evaluate your perception, and many other life factors to reach your goal with power and possession. This book is very popular with celebrities as they can relate to the book's content in their journey to reaching power and success in life.


The 48 Laws of Power: Book Info

The 48 Laws of Power Book Cover

Title: The 48 Laws of Power

Author: Robert Greene

Genre: Self-help, Psychology, Personal Development, Leadership, History

Published In: 1998 by Viking Press

Length: 480 pages

Language: English


  • New York Times Bestseller
  • In the USA, over 1.2 million copies of the book are sold
  • It is translated into 24 languages
  • Fast Company named the book "mega cult classic."
  • This book became very popular among hip-hop rappers, Hollywood celebrities & prisoners.
  • According to The Sunday Times, this book is the "Hollywood back-stabbers bible."
  • A movie adaptation is in process with the name "Never Outshine the Master."
  • A cinematic series of the book is also in the production process by Drake.

The 48 Laws of Power: Author

Robert Greene is a renowned American author who has shown his mastery in writing books based on power, strategy, and seduction. He has delivered 6 international bestsellers. After completing his BA degree from the University of California, Berkeley, in Classical Studies, he tried his career in 60 to 65 jobs until he eventually wrote The 48 Laws of Power. Once he met a book packager named Joost Elffers, Greene pitched a book related to power to him and wrote a treatment that happened to be his life-turning book, the bestseller The 48 Laws of Power.

In The 48 Laws of Power, the author tries to emphasize the amoral nature of power, which is neither good nor bad. It depends on how you perceive power, and then you behave accordingly to achieve power in your life. His work has been featured in many renowned magazines, including USA Today, The New York Times, Newsweek, etc. He has appeared in many popular talk shows, including MTV News, The Today Show, CNBC, & ABC. He gave presentations on Talks at Google and TED. He can talk in five languages, is a Zen Buddhism student, and supports Barack Obama.

The 48 Laws of Power: Summary

In this book, he guided the readers about 48 strategies to observe, control, acquire, and execute power to use it against other powers. He created his laws and strategies to achieve power based on historical figures and strategies, including Queen Elizabeth I, Sun Tzu, Niccolò Machiavelli, Haile Selassie I, P.T. Barnum, and many other powerful historical figures. Each law has its implication and interpretation. So, while going through The 48 Laws of Power PDF, you will know how to reach power.

First 5 Laws

  1. Never outshine the master
  2. Never put too much trust in friends, and learn how to use enemies
  3. Conceal Your Intentions
  4. Always say less than necessary
  5. So much depends on reputation; guard it with your life

After going through the first five laws, if you get impatient to know the rest, you must go through The 48 Laws of Power to create your interpretation of these laws.

The 48 Laws of Power: PDF Book

Reading or carrying a physical copy of a book of around 500 pages is tough, but not reading it because of its length is not worth it. Missing this book means missing an opportunity to create another version of yourself. So, to get a lifetime experience with this life-changing book, you better stay hooked to The 48 Laws of Power PDF, and you are good to go with your power-grabbing laws. You can also try the audiobook version of this book to keep listening to these laws to incorporate them into your practice.

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The 48 Laws of Power: Review

To review this book, the two quotes, "Fools say that they learn by experience. I prefer to profit from others' experience.” and “He who poses as a fool is not a fool.” attract my attention to this book's underlying motto. In simple words, this book wants you to craft yourself so that nobody can understand your nature through your behavior or your intentions through your words. You have to pretend to be someone else to use your real purpose and skill to reach the top of the power. To understand the basics of this book, here you go with a few highlights.

  • Instead of judging people through their words, you must focus on their actions to understand their real intention, as words can mislead you.
  • Most power-hungry people pretend to reject power by showing their moral values, but often become real manipulators.
  • To arm yourself with power to defeat power, you must control your emotion, change your perspective, and develop new skills.
  • Try to observe your past and future objectively to identify the cause of any problem and accept deception.
  • Always makes your boss feel superior and smarter than you.
  • Don't let your competitors understand your real motives or goals. Instead, divert them by showing your other passions and talents.
  • Instead of imposing or forcing something on someone, try manipulating them to do the work.

The 48 Laws of Powers: What does this book say?

This book says how you should control yourself to control power. To reach the top of power, you have to understand your ability, strength, limitations, and priorities, and then you have to work on them to make them work in favor of your journey of reaching your goal of ultimate power. Once you know yourself, it will become easier for you to present yourself the way you want others to perceive you by hiding your strength and showing your simplicity. So, in short, this book is all about misleading others to focus on your destinations of power.


If you always get hurt being judged by others or never get your deserved putout from your hard work, The 48 Laws of Power PDF should be on your device. Whenever you feel lost, clueless, or indecisive in your personal or professional life, this book can give a practical solution to turn back from your worst situations.


Q:Is The 48 Laws of Power Book restricted for the prisoners?

Yes, this book is strictly restricted for prisoners because the laws and strategies could be dangerous and harmful to them.

Q:What are the top 5 rules of The 48 Laws of Power?

  • Say less than necessary
  • Isolation is dangerous
  • Concentrate your forces
  • Recreate yourself
  • Be Royal in your own fashion

Monica has accumulated more than three years of experience in writing tech products. Now she works as an English columnist for this website. With her extensive experience, Monica has offered many helpful and feasible recommendations.

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