If dragons have always caught your interest, get ready to be mesmerized in the world of dragons with Tui T. Sutherland's Wings of Fire. Wings of Fire book series has a really cool world with exciting mythology that revolves around the genre of fantasy, dragons, fiction, Young Adult (YA), adventure, and more and is suitable for middle grades with ages eight and up.

The Dragonet Prophecy is a fast-paced middle-grade book with determined characters who exemplify loyalty and friendship. Plus, it narrates different Dragon tribes at war with one another, surprising and breathtaking twists, fun world-building, unique characters, strong friendships, and a prophecy to save the world. As a dragon lover and fantasy lover, Wings of Fire will live up to your expectations. Stay with us to know the summary without spoilers of each Wings of Fire book to have an understanding of the storyline.

Tui T. Sutherland: Author of Wings of Fire

Tui T. Sutherland is a Venezuelan-American children's book author who has authored the New York Times and USA Today bestselling series Wings of Fire, the Pet Trouble series, and the Menagerie trilogy. She has also written under the pen name Heather Williams. She shares another pen name, Erin Hunter, with other writers like Kate Cary and Cherith Baldry to collaborate with editor Victoria Homes on the Seekers and Warriors series of novels.

Tui has a unique writing style that's simple, fun, and easy to read. In 2009, Tui also appeared as a contestant on Jeopardy and became a two-day champion! She lives in Massachusetts with her wonderful husband, two fantastic sons, and two very patient dogs. To learn more about Tui's books, visit her online at

Wings of Fire Book 1: The Dragonet Prophecy

The Wings of Fire Book 1: The Dragonet Prophecy introduces us to our protagonist, Clay, a MudWing, and how he sets out with his friends (fellow dragons) to end a Civil War.

The Dragonet Prophecy is set in a mythical land called Pyrrhia. This world is fun: primarily dragons with a few humans scattered here and there, with a war going on for leadership. It is about the five dragonets of the prophecy that were stolen from their respective homes while they were still in their eggs. But before they could open their eyes or meet their families, they were hidden away ever since, all to fulfill the Prophecy to end the war. Each dragonet is from a different dragon tribe, having different looks and unique abilities/characteristics. They are Clay (MudWing), Tsunami (SeaWing), Glory (RainWing), Sunny (SandWing), and Starflight (NightWing), giving them different abilities.

These dragonets have been held underground since their birth (hatch) for their safety and are being trained in secret in a hidden cave to fulfill the prophecy to end the war. Since the dragonets have been in the cave since their birth (hatch) and have never left it, they don't like being there anymore. All the more, they have not even met their families ever.

One night, Glory is deemed unsuitable to be part of the prophecy, and their trainer, Kestrel, decides to kill her. But the dragonets find out about this and form a risky escape plan before Kestrel can fulfill his ugly motives. Before going back for the other dragonets, Clay (MudWing) and Tsunami(SeaWing) are outside the cave, and they see Scarlet, the queen of the Skywings. Now, they must assault Scarlet to escape as she thinks Tsunami is a spy, which makes sense; after all, SeaWings and SkyWings are at war.

When Clay and Tsunami get back to the other dragonets to free them, they find Scarlet right behind them with an army of Skywings. They quickly take their trainer, Kestrel, and all the dragonets prisoner because Scarlet doesn't want the war to end.

Dragonets must work together to escape and do things they would like to do in addition to fulfilling the prophecy - things like seeing the world above ground, finding their families, and exploring their newfound dragon powers. But how will the dragonets escape the Skywings' clutches? Read The Dragonet Prophecy to find out.

Wings of Fire Book 2: The Lost Heir

The Wings of Fire Book 2: The Lost Heir continues with a thrilling underwater adventure and a mystery that will change everything! After Clay's disappointing trip to the MudWing clan in book one, the dragonets set out to find the Kingdom of the SeaWings ruled by Tsunami's mother, Queen Coral. Tsunami soon finds out if her reunion with her mother is everything she dreamed of or a big disappointment like Clay's. The Lost Heir had lots of action and dragon drama, with a couple of betrayals along the way. The story focuses on Tsunami and her perspective.

The Lost Heir is the second installment in the Wings of Fire series and follows the story of Tsunami, who, with her friends Clay, Sunny, Glory, and Starflight, tries to find the way to the Kingdom of the Sea, hidden somewhere in the ocean of Pyrrhia.

Tsunami wants to meet her mother, Queen Coral, who she was stolen from while still in her egg. Skywings are following Tsunami and her friends, and if they make it to the Kingdom successfully, they will be hidden from them. The Kingdom is hidden very well, and they could not find it until Tsunami found a SeaWing patrolling the ocean.

Tsunami convinced him to show them how to get to the Kingdom, and once all the dragonets finally reach the Kingdom, Queen Coral is extremely happy to find her missing daughter is still alive. But she is disappointed to see her daughter traveling with dragons from rival tribes, so she sends Tsunami's friends to the dungeon. Little does Tsunami know that something is brewing in the Kingdom of the Sea that isn't brought to her attention until a mysterious dragon attempts to murder her.

How will this end for Tsunami and her friends? Read the Lost Heir to find out.

Wings of Fire Book 3: The Hidden Kingdom

The Wings of Fire Book 3: The Hidden Kingdom is set deep in the Rainforest and follows Glory's perspective. It focuses on Glory's sassy personality and growth as the story progresses. Here, our protagonist is Queen Glory, the replacement RainWing Dragonet of Destiny. The conflict of this plot is that the dragonets go to Glory's tribe, RainWing, seeking help for their guardian webs but are on the radar to be killed by another dragon, Deathbringer, and have found that dragons have been disappearing into thin air.

The Hidden Kingdom is the third book in the Wings of Fire series. The book follows Glory, who, with her friends Tsunami, Sunny, Clay, and Starflight, are trying to find the Rainforest Kingdom that is hidden deep within the Rainforests of Pyrrhia. They are trying to help their former guardian, Webs, whom enemy dragons have badly poisoned.

On their journey in the Rainforest, they soon discover that bad things are happening when they overhear patrolling MudWing soldiers talking about dead bodies they have found and that a monster is causing it. Once they finally get to the Rainforest Kingdom, they are told that RainWings has been going missing without any reason. They figure that it must be the monster that the MudWings were talking about, so in order to keep the RainWings safe, they try to locate the monster.

What will happen when they find the monster, and how Glory's role within the story is going to be played out.? Read the Hidden Kingdom to find out.

Wings of Fire Book 4: The Dark Secret

The Wings of Fire Book 4: The Dark Secret addresses themes pertaining to communication, friendship, self-preservation, expectations, and self-identity. The plot continues with a visit to the mysterious land of the NightWings, where Starflight is kidnapped by his own tribe and must face a terrible choice---his home or his friends? The storyline focuses on Starflight and how hard it was for him to understand his original tribe, the NightWings.

Thus far, the five dragonets of destiny have made many discoveries about the real world after living six years in total isolation. Glory is now queen of the RainWings. The dragonets still have no idea how they will bring an end to the war or who should be queen. Starflight is guarding a magic tunnel that connects the Night Kingdom to the Rainforest when the NightWings kidnap him. He meets five young dragons assembled to replace any members of the original group who will not obey Morrowseer's commands.

Fatespeaker, the NightWing of that group, is brave and bubbly. She is in contrast to the NightWing tribe overall. Starflight soon makes a series of discoveries about the NightWing tribe and their current home. The NightWing fortress is built on an active volcano and is becoming increasingly inhospitable. There is little food, and the dragons are starving. There have been a few dragonets born recently. Queen Battlewinner must remain in a pot of lava or die, the result of a fight with an IceWing.

The NightWings know they must find another home. They have decided to kill the RainWings and take over the Rainforest. As Glory tries to reason with Queen Battlewinner, earthquakes shake the island. Starflight comes up with an idea to let the NightWings live in a part of the Rainforest if they are willing to submit to Glory as their queen. Battlewinner refuses, leaves her pot of lava, and dies. Her daughter, Greatness, never wanted to be queen. Greatness and other members of the tribe pledge loyalty while rushing to safety.

Morrowseer is the last NightWing at the tunnel, alive for a shocking revelation. With the war still ongoing despite this new information, members of the various tribes continue their plans to fulfill personal goals, only sometimes considering others in the process. What will Morrowseer reveal, and what will be the fate of the dragonets? Read the Dark Secret to find out!

Wings of Fire Book 5: The Brightest Night

The Wings of Fire Book 5: The Brightest Night focuses on Sunny, the dismembered SandWing dragonet who everyone treats like she is lesser than them and always brushes her ideas off.

In the final book of the series, the dragonets are still in the jungle with the RainWings and Glory, the new queen, trying to corral the newly placed NightWings and trying to figure out a way to end the war once and for all. But Sunny is kidnapped by two rogue NightWings and goes on a huge adventure to get back to the Rainforest, but to also gather intel on the battling queens, not to mention finally meeting her parents!

On her escapade, Sunny becomes a prisoner in the stronghold of Burn; one of the battling queens almost gets killed and stuffed to be put in her weirdling tower. She meets her mother, Thorn, who is the queen of the Outclaws, a town of SandWings who don't wish to be caught in the battle for the SandWing throne, and her father, Stonemover (a NightWing), who is an animus dragon, a dragon with untold power, but cannot move and lives secluded in a mountain.

When Sunny finally ventures back to the Rainforest, her friends aren't all too worried about her, dismissing her absence as getting lost in the forest while chasing a butterfly, but immediately grow concerned as they hear a brief summary, needing the whole story, and after hearing it, thought much more of her and her ability to fend for herself. So the five dragonets of a not-so-real destiny gather up to fulfill it, whether the prophecy is true or not, and figure out a plan.

Sunny will visit each of the three rivaling queens in their dreams using a dream visitor Starflight, the NightWing dragonet, found. She will tell them to come to the stronghold so the dragonets can choose a queen right then and there. That will be the night to decide what twenty years of fighting and bloodshed have been leading up to. Who will rule over the sand wings when it's all over? Blister, Blaze, or Burn?

If you like dragons, war, prophecies, or all of the above, then you'll love this book!


Read/Listen to the Wings of Fire PDF Ebook

Wings of Fire is much more than Dragons and Civil War. It's about friendship, family, and lots of peril. The storyline is quite intriguing and fun, with action and adventure, spiced up with the other elements of friendship and teamwork and betrayal and war. Undoubtedly, the villainous dragons are also quite fun to read.

You must find a way to buy the box set of all 5 Wings of Fire books ASAP! But you don't need to get a hardcover. Instead, you can download it easily over the web and access the PDF version at your convenience.

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