Technology has emerged in all sectors, and education is not an exception. There was a time when digital study turned out to be the only option to continue the flow. However, things have changed. Free textbook PDFs, thus, open a new era to access books anywhere you want to study and carry them everywhere. Today’s post will brief you top 8 PDF textbook sites for easy and convenient access.

PDF books are popular among students and book lovers, and readers. For its device integrity, you can read it from a phone, tablet, or PC. It reduces the burden of your college bags as you can download any book for free PDF on your PC and read them on your screen. If you have internet access, you can visit websites where you will get a collection of various books in PDF format for reading and downloading.

To narrow down your search on the internet, we will take a walk through the top sites that instantly provide online books PDF free with reading and downloading options.

Top 8 Free PDF Textbook Websites: Obtain the Knowledge Here

Here is the list of top websites which allow readers to access PDF books for free.

1. Libre Text

If you're looking for free college textbooks, you can land on the Libre Text site. The site displays college books available for all. The site has approx 398+ textbooks, text maps, and other materials in its collection. The site built on the Mindtouch platform is famous for its easy interface helps students to get the books they're looking for. The site covers 224 courses, and 223 million students benefit from Libra Text.

2. Open Textbook Library

If you intend to get a textbook PDF free on any website, then visit Open Textbook Library. The site's purpose is to cater to higher studies, and students must get free access to any study material free of cost. The site is supported by Open Education Network, which offers 1118 open textbooks for global students. As of date, Open Textbook Library has served for ten years with subjective study books on Technology, Science, Mathematics, History, Culture, and many more. Its easy search option can help you to locate the book you're looking for in PDF format.


Bookboon website is famous for corporate study. If you want to upscale your communication skills and interpersonal skill development study, you can visit Bookboon and search for a book on the specific field. The site offers group study in Teams with 250 users. Further, it has a good collection of renowned professors and research scholars' journals' books that helps Engineering and IT students. The best part of Bookboon is you can avail of Audio learning. You can download free e-books for further studies.

4. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is for those who are looking for old classics. The library consists of 60,000+ free e-books for readers. Due to the end of the U. S Copyright, users now access the old classics quickly. The site is mobile-friendly, and you can easily access your desired books on various subjects. For example, you can browse the site from any device and search for the most famous classic of all time. Project Gutenberg is a renowned site for book lovers who love books to read and build their digital collection for anytime access.


If you want free textbook downloads PDF site, you can check The site is to provide free access to various textbooks that students require. Even students can avail of Text banks, Answer guides, and PPT to score better in specific subjects. For slow learners, these online studies can be helpful and provide repeated practice and score good marks in the examination. Instructors and education coaches also get benefits from OpenStax. Nine million students and 7,000 schools have been using its vast resources to enrich their knowledge.

6. Freeditorial

Freeditorial offers an excellent platform for book lovers across the world. You can download, share and read millions of books online. The good part is that the site is not only for book readers but also nurtures authors. If you have the skill and talent to write books, you can enroll on Freeditorial. They'll publish your book on their site. The collection consists of Spanish and English language books. The only drawback is that not all books are free, and you need to pay for some selected authors and their masterpieces.

7. Internet Archive

Internet Archive, popularly known as Wayback Machine, is a nonprofit library that has millions of free e-books, movies, music, images, and software. It has a massive collection and can avail anything and everything of your choice. The site provides the facility of borrowing books for reading for a specific time, after which you need to return them. Literature, audiobooks, live concert, movies, and many other literary entertainment users may avail from the Freeditorial site.

8. Open Library

If you want to access online books PDF free on the digital library, you must visit Open Library. The digital library consists of millions of trendy books by contemporary authors, best sellers, etc. You can avail of various digital books on this site and prepare a digital library with your favorite authors' collections. You can organize your favorite books using the list and your reading log, which helps track the new arrival. The free online site also offers a borrowing option to the readers. Using genre-specific, the site organizes its collection for easy locating and reading.

These sites have been serving the true purpose to readers across the globe and providing free online PDF textbooks. Below listed a few parameters for better access. Have a look!

A Few Parameters on How to Access Free Textbook PDF

You need to remember a few measures when accessing an online textbook. They are:

The User Interface of the Site: Prefer an easy user interface to access to download any book for free PDF because a complex interface may bring trouble, and downloading process may take time. Easy access can save your reading time, so choose wisely.

PDF Reader: Without the PDF Reader tool, you cannot access large PDF files like books, journals, documents, etc. You can install SwifDoo PDF Reader to access your PDF book collection. It's a reliable software with four PDF viewing modes that are eyes-friendly and can help you make annotations, edit, etc., to help your study. Its text-to-speech option allows you to learn difficult words instantly. So, to make your online PDF reading easeful, install SwifDoo PDF reader on your Windows PC and prepare for your next exam.

Privacy: While you access any site, do not provide your personal details during the signup process. Because these sites have several cyber virus issues that can affect your PC’s security, making you vulnerable to privacy concerns. It would be best if you use anti-virus protection before you start surfing.

Maintain the Borrow Deadline: If you borrow a PDF textbook from any site, return it to the site within the deadline. If you miss, you may be penalized and need to pay a fine. Sometimes, the website can ban your account and cancel your access license.

Limit your Search: Access the textbooks which you have requirements. The free access doesn’t let you access all the books in a single day. It will be better to list the books you require per day, open the specific site, search, collect, and study.

PDF Drive: Safe Or Free To Use? What Else Should You Know?

This post introduces PDF Drive in detail. You can know what it is, whether it is safe to use, and how to use it to download free PDF ebooks online.


Bottom Line

Digital resources keep the study flow continues. With the help of internet service, you can access free textbook PDFs anytime. The above websites have an immense collection of study materials with a simple interface to locate the books you’re searching for and further read, borrow and download as per your choice.

